Explore Nuestros Recursos
El simulador emplea un avanzado sistema basado en la nube, permitiendo a los estudiantes participar en sesiones de práctica según su conveniencia y ritmo. Cuando comienza un escenario de formación, el simulador despliega automáticamente sistemas virtuales dentro de la Arena Cyberium, creando un entorno de ciberseguridad inmersivo y realista.
Galería de Medios Legado
The ThinkCyber Legacy Media Gallery, a new addition to our 'Resources' page, serves as a dynamic and interactive repository of our rich history in cybersecurity. This digital gallery is designed to host an array of media content from previous years, featuring images and videos that highlight our milestones, events, and the evolution of our offerings. By clicking on the link to the Legacy page, visitors will be transported to a curated experience of our journey in the cybersecurity domain. The gallery not only stands as a testament to our growth and achievements but also provides an insightful look into the cybersecurity landscape over the years. The Legacy Media Gallery, thus, fosters a deep understanding and connection with our audience, allowing them to witness and partake in ThinkCyber's ongoing journey in shaping a secure digital world.